Thursday, February 21, 2013

Hoppin' Down the Bunny Trail...Shop Update!

I know Valentine's Day just ended and we haven't even hit St. Patrick's Day yet, but.....

I have a major case of SpRiNg FeVeR and just couldn't wait to start on Easter baskets.  These are a new addition to the shop this year and I hope you love them.  They are a perfect size to use for an Easter egg hunt as well as to fill with goodies!   They make a great gift for a friend, new baby, name it!

There are more to come and they can be personalized with a first initial if you are interested, please contact me to see available fabric combos!   Enjoy a bit of Spring!!!

(There is a link to each listing on etsy directly beneath the pictures if you are interested!!)

I hope wherever you are this winter weather is gentle on you and your family.   Here's hoping for some spring weather soon!
Poshed Up

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