
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Our rainy day activities

If you follow my blog, you know that we created our "Summer Bucket List" at the beginning of the summer with all of the fun things we'd like to do.  I was a little nervous about it to be honest because I really like to just "wing it" during the summer because I stick to such a tight schedule for the other 9 months of the year.  However, I am pleasantly surprised by not only our progress, but how excited it gets the kids!

Here is the where we are so far with a month left to go.  Not too shabby.  We have tackled 10 out of 30 items and have a few more we'll finish up this week.  

We have bought supplies for some of the more crafty things on our list including :  painting canvases, making sock animals and painting rocks.  We have also been very busy collecting our beach rocks and have TONS to paint.   I'm surprised how much I've put off these crafty things on the list until last since I love crafting.  I think it's because in my mind, I need a rainy day for them and I spent the last few rainy days cleaning and hosting play dates to keep my kids occupied.

So I have pledged to my kids that the next rainy day we are starting these activities.  Here is an idea of what we are planning and where I got my original ideas.  You didn't think I was clever enough to come up with these all on my own did you?  What would one do without Pinterest???

Painting canvases-  I promised both of the kids that they could hang their finished product somewhere in the house.  God help me with this one.  I'm keeping fingers crossed that they choose to hang them in either their own rooms or the playroom.

These are actually really fun.   You first make a design on the white canvas with painters tape and then you paint the canvas however you want with acrylic paint.  Once the paint is almost dry, you peel off the tape GENTLY and voila.  How fun!  I  bought a large canvas for myself too to create something fun....I'm loving the chevron.

I'll keep you posted on how ours come out and where they end up hanging :)

Sock animals - One of the other activities that the kids are so excited for is to make sock animals.  We bought a bag of the stuffing and have to get some socks and then we're ready to go.  We have tons of buttons for the eyes left over from a button project so we are good there.  These are definitely one of the more complicated projects on our list and it was my genius idea to add them.   They are just so cute!

Here are some examples in case you want to tackle these:

Painted rocks - We have SO many rocks collected from the beach that we are going to be painting for days.   The kids have had so much fun collecting them that next year maybe we'll just add "collect rocks at the beach"

Here are some fun ways to paint them that I thought the kids might like.  A few of them would require me pre-drawing out the images and letting them fill them in, but fun nonetheless.

A few other great ideas for a fun summer rainy day activity that are not on our list are bracelet making and drawing.   I love these ideas and thought you might too.

There are so many different types of bracelets you can make and with many different types of material.   Just like last year, we are busy making string bracelets of all kinds.  We got this great kit for my daughter that helps you make bracelets with hearts, diamonds, stripes and it's super easy to follow. 

I also found these great ideas:

I know I shared this one once before, but it's worth re-sharing because it's so much fun!

And these beauties are made from old t-shirts.  Love!

Drawing is one of our favorite things to do and we have tons of "how to draw" different animals books.  These are so much and I also adore the fingerprint ones too.

There are tons more on the site too.  Here's a sample of the adorable penguin.

I remember doing these as a kid and I LOVED them.

We have so many fun projects and too many beautiful beach days.  I'm looking forward to getting started on some of these fun crafts with the kids over the next week. I hope these give you some fun things to do over the remainder of your summer!

Poshed Up

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