
Monday, July 23, 2012

Cleaning Update

After my last post about some cleaning tips to try on a rainy day, I did just that!  I got out my baking soda, vinegar and dish soap and started scrubbing.  I promised a before and after post and a before and after post you shall get.  I will admit...taking pictures was a bit of a challenge throughout, but I did my best.   I decided to not only give you before and afters, but to rate each idea based on my experience.  I know for me I like to hear other's opinions on the success and failures of ideas and not just the ideas alone!

I started in my kitchen with my microwave.  First I tried the tip to fill a glass measuring cup with a cup of vinegar and microwave for 10 mins.  Then...wipe clean.  Click HERE for the tip. 

I totally forgot the before shot.


Results:   10 mins. is WAY TOO LONG...or at least in my microwave.  I had to stop it early and when I did there was hot vinegar EVERYWHERE. did get the junk on the inside loosened up.  So, next time I would do half the time and hope for the same results.

Grade:   B  - Too messy.

Next I cleaned my dishwasher.  The tip says to put a cup of vinegar in a glass measuring cup on the top shelf of the dishwasher and run it on your hottest setting.  After that cycle, you add baking soda to the bottom of the dishwasher and run it again.  I have to admit...I ran out of baking soda so I only did step one.  Click HERE for the tip.

BEFORE:  Keep in mind this is directly after unloading it with clean dishes so in theory it should be spotless inside.


Results:  Thankfully my dishwasher wasn't so dirty before as you can see from the picture, but I do have to say it was that much cleaner after.  I was disappointed that the built up detergent on the sides didn't go away, but that might have happened from step 2 which I skipped.

Grade:  A

Next I cleaned my stainless steel sink.  This tip has you mix baking soda with water and scrub first.  Then after rinsing clean, you line vinegar soaked paper towels around the sides and let them sit at least 20 mins.  Then you use soap and water to clean the whole sink.  Click HERE for the tip.


Step 1 :  Paste of water and baking soda.

Step 2:  Vinegar soaked paper towels.  I did put them up the sides too, but didn't capture that in a picture.


Results:   LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!!!  My sink never ever looked better.  Now, my stainless steel sink is VERY scratched and is by no means new, but it sure looked shiny after.   The smell of vinegar was a bit much after about 15 mins., but well worth it.

Grade:  A+++++

While my sink was soaking, I tacked my garbage disposal too.  I mentioned in my last post that my plumber had recommended putting ice in your garbage disposal periodically and running it to help clean the blades and the inside.  I also shared that I try to put a lemon down it at least once a week to keep it smelling clean.

The yuckiest part is cleaning the rubber seal UNDERNEATH.  It is gross, but it is where much of the yuck hides.  Too gross to photograph, but here is what I mean by putting ice in...a lot of ice.  Not just a few cubes!

I did not yet get around to trying the stainless steel fridge cleaner that I mentioned, but I will try it soon.  One other tip that I've been using and totally forgot to share is to clean the porcelain burners on a gas stove.   This tip recommends putting the burners in a gallon sized Ziploc bag and putting in ammonia and letting it soak.  Then use a Brillo to remove the residue which has now been loosened.  I have done this several times and HIGHLY recommend putting it outside on concrete and letting it soak overnight.   Click HERE for the tip.

BEFORE  (Please don't judge me based on how dirty they are.  Oh, don't forget the small round piece too like I did!)


Side by side of before and after.  Crazy right?

Results:  I think the pictures speak for themselves.  It is crazy how clean they get.   

Grade: A (points taken off for terrible smell of ammonia)

On to the bathrooms.  First I started by putting some baking soda in each toilet.  I did not take pictures of this because I think it's gross to show toilets.  It made them super shiny if you care!!

Next I mixed up the shower door cleaner and tub cleaner which includes 1 cup of dish soap and 1 cup of heated vinegar.  Click HERE and HERE for the tip.  

BEFORE ( I didn't take pictures of the shower door).


Results:  Another home run.  It is hard to tell much of a difference on my shower door because it is frosted and textured glass, but from an angle in person you could absolutely tell that it was cleaner.

And the tub, well my tub was pretty white and shiny before, but it make the chrome fixture unbelievably shiny.  Therefore, I used it for all of my bathroom sinks in all of my bathrooms.

Grade: A+

I still plan to try out the floor cleaner I mentioned as well as the stainless steel appliance spray soon.   Overall, I was very happy to see that simple works!  I have some great ideas for other cleaners to share soon!  

Poshed Up

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