
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Winter is HERE...inside and out!

Every year when I take down all of my Christmas decorations, I feel like my house looks sad.   It must feel sad too because I feel it.   I spend a lot of time in my home and I always want it to feel warm and welcoming to guests, but also to those of us that call it home.  It's not about appearances, but I want my house to feel lived in and homey.  It makes me happy.   In all honesty, it can't be about appearance unless I'm trying to impress my husband and 2 kids because this time of year, we don't have too many visitors.  We tend to hibernate!

So...this transition away from Christmas and the spirit of the season is a tough one.   We go from summer where we're outside so much that it really doesn't matter because we have enough sand on our floors that we could practically call that decorations into Fall decor, Halloween decor and then Christmas.  And then....??????

(Before I go any further....I want to preface this post by saying that I have OCD and am a Type A personality.  No, it's not diagnosed, but I can diagnose it myself.  I like things organized, decorated, etc. and while some think I'm nuts to be so into makes me happy, very happy.  If you are not Type A, you think I'm crazy...and I'm okay with that.  If you're like me, you get it totally.  Organization and order are not for all.   It's what makes me tick.   On the other hand, spontaneity and surprises...not my gig.  That's my husband and son 100%.  So, that being said, this post and probably the next few I'll do on organization for 2012 will not be for you.  Please don't form an opinion of me because of this post that makes you think I spend all day organizing and crafting and decorating.  I do spend my free time (an hr. a day at most), but I do many other things for my  husband, children and business with my day.  Those things, however, like laundry, dishes, food shopping, cleaning, sewing...not so interesting to blog about.)

Now that I've gotten my little PSA of out the way, I'll continue.  So, this year, I decided to keep a few of my Christmas-y things out and add some blues and silvers to make it a winter theme.  I know this will only last until Valentine's Day when I pull out the hearts and anything red (yes, I love red!).   I just can't stand the bareness of everything after it all comes down.

My inspiration came from none other than Miss Mother Nature herself....look how gorgeous.

Here's my mantle as of yesterday.....

Just last week I had my stockings hung full of reds and greens and my Santa sign...I forgot to get pictures this year!  I had the same candlesticks up with all of it with great red and silver sparkly candles that I found last minute on sale.  They are so pretty.

So I swapped out the candles for some blues, added back my giant pine cones from a different location and added some other favs of mine.

Added some more nature with some branches...

I also added my favorite picture of my children to the mantle.  This picture was our one and only professional photo shoot 2 years ago (time to update) and I had it printed on canvas.  I just adore it!

I also added our snowflakes.  I must say, with all of the Christmas crafting we had going on...we never did quite finish these.  I posted about my love of them here and had high hopes of finishing them for Christmas, but it worked out because now we have them for January.  

I also spruced up my ledge by my sink....

Here it was last week....full of reds and greens....

And now....

I also added this little cutie that I got the idea from here.  They were so cute, but a royal pain in the butt to make.  So...just one for now.  Maybe someday I'll attempt more...doubtful though.

And if you remember the bells from my previous post, they are back...

As you are probably figuring out if you read this often, I up-cycle EVERYTHING in my decor.  I like to shop the sales and I like to really use my things.  I do have the advantage of having many items in my garage from my previous days with Willow House, but I do use everything whether it's for decoration or entertaining.

I also added this little vignette to my kitchen table.  I'm hoping that my kids will start using napkins instead of clothing in 2012 and start putting their pencils back in the vase so that we can make homework time just a tad bit steps.

Now while I'm thrilled with the icy blues and sparkles these provide to my kitchen (especially at night), here is what I have yet to deal with.

I said I took it all down, but I didn't say I did anything with it.   I'm going to re-organize it all (shocker, right?) since I bought some new things and have a few I haven't used in the past few years.   I'm on a full-out organization kick as I am 2 or 3 times a year.  This is a big one for me since the weather keeps me inside.

I still have a few area I want to spruce up and "winterize" a bit.  Here are a few ideas I found while searching out some winter decor ideas...

The pine cone obsession of mine never ceases...

There's something special about candle light...and about blue glass too.  Not easy to find, but so darn simple and pretty.  I love this idea from 'Reinvented'.

Or these from 'Mark Montano'

Or these beauties....
made with Epsom salts.  From 'Crafts by Amanda'.

I'll be sharing some great life organization and home organization tips over the next few weeks.  If you have an area of your home that  you are really struggling with, please let me know.  Or, better yet, if you have an area you feel like you've mastered in the organization and order area....SHARE!  I love to share great ideas!

Until then....we're ready at our house.  Winter......BRING IT ON!

Poshed Up

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