
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Pins of the Week

Tomorrow starts my 2012 Organization Series.  I know many people and many blogs out there have already begun on this resolution, but I wanted to make sure I had all of my supplies and/or ideas together before sharing!

Before I start the organization palooza though...I wanted to share some of my favorites from this week.  I haven't done this is awhile because I was so focused on only Christmas ideas so it's fun to get back to it.  Hope you enjoy!


I have so few going on right now believe it or not because I am in full-blown home organization mode and re-stocking my shop.   Other than that, we are saving ourselves for when we begin our Valentine's Day crafting.....only a few more weeks!

I did think this was cute, but not going to happen this year.  After last week's snowflakes and felt pine cone, I'm officially taking a break from crafting for a few weeks.  Did I really just say that?  Yikes!

My kids are dreaming of snow.  I even caught my 5 year old son on the floor practicing his snow angels.  So...this could get you in the mood for snow if you are not getting any in your area either.  I personally am LOVING not having it.  I hate the wet, yucky footprints everywhere.


Did I mention yet that I'm going to have some organization ideas for your home and life this week?  Oh, right....only 3 times so far.  I love this idea for your home too.

We have a wall of pictures and a great hand painted plaque in our family room, but this one is just great.  I just may have to consider re-decorating my only hallway.

Our wall....

And what I love most about theirs...all of the pictures are perfectly straight unlike my own.  lol


I adore these ideas for the "Angry Birds" birthday theme.  So fun.  I see so many kids playing Angry Birds in waiting rooms, at gymnastics, in the car, as well as the adults that play too.   We love it as a time-killer and we also love the actual game we got for much fun.  We got it at Barnes & Nobles but I'm sure you can find it other places too.

Check out this details spared!


Don't ask why I love this...I have no nails and I hate pink.  But...this reminds me of my youth with the wide whale laces in this shade.  So fun!

(a new category)

My book club did a "Favorite Things Party" at our December get-together and it was so fun!  I suggested we do it every month, but I think they thought I was nuts :)   I love getting ideas from other people (hence my obsession with pinterest) and I especially love getting them from people I actually know!

Here is where we got the idea...

Ours was not nearly as fancy and much smaller, but we had so much fun.  Three of us even bought the same gift to give...great minds think alike!    We each bought 3 gifts up to $5 in value.  I went home with a travel mug, nail polish and hand lotion.  LOVE!

In the process of finding this idea, I found Erin from 'Sunny Side Up'.  Not that I actually met or even introduced myself, but her blog is one of my new favorites.  She thrives on organization...I think we have a few things in common to say the least.

While this picture does not make it look so appealing, this recipe is GREAT!  I made it last week and since it has 2 major pluses (gluten-free and crock pot)'s a KEEPER!

Split Pea Soup
I made mine far more chunky and left out the bacon at the end.  I do not like thin soups so I kept mine very hearty!  So yummy!


Oh how true this is...that little stinker has me wrapped around his finger...

And this is the song I sang to my daughter every night when she was a baby (thank god she didn't know how terrible I sounded).  I adore this can find it here along with some other gems.
Happy Pinning!

Poshed Up

1 comment:

  1. Wide whale laces! Now that put a huge smile on my face.
