
Sunday, September 16, 2012

What we've been up to lately...

It's been over 10 days since my last post and I have missed blogging so much.   I thought for sure once the kids started school that I would have so many hours to do what I wanted... relax, catch up on some TV, read a book, etc., etc.  Well, not so much.  I feel like I've been busier than EVER.  Catching up on doctor appointments I couldn't do when they were out of school, sewing like a mad woman to fill Halloween trick or treat bag orders (check them out here), and dealing with the school things.

Also, this little cutie of mine just got contacts.  Hooray!  She has been wearing glasses since 1st grade and is now in 5th and had just decided it was time.   So, we had an hour and a half fitting and trial run where she had to master the art of putting them in and taking them out.   I did nothing...and it's a good thing since I'm clueless when it comes to glasses and contacts.   She is oh so excited to be free of her glasses.   I actually was brought to tears when I saw her without them.  Not that I don't ever see her without her glasses, but it's quite rare and usually in the morning right after she's woken up.  She can't see a thing without them.  I was so happy to see her sweet little face without them!

We've also been busy doing as much outside as possible while the weather is changing.   Riding bikes, playing soccer, swinging on the name it, we've been squeezing it in.   The days are getting shorter already and we are trying to eat up every last ounce of daylight after school.   We had our town's Summer's End Festival last weekend.  I especially loved this "surfing" ride that my son did.  So fun!

An action shot!

We celebrated our first weekend of school at an indoor amusement park and we had SO much fun.  I think I was the biggest kid...haha.   Here is the family before laser tag.

We also loved the bumper cars and this was the first time my daughter was big enough to ride them so she was super excited.

They also loved the giant swings...these would have made me so sick, but fun for kids I suppose.  Why is it that as we age we can no longer tolerate what we used to find so fun?  Not fair!

And of course, the and prizes!  My husband snagged this guy on the first try in the crane game.  Score!!

And last, but not least.... our first day of school. Sniff Sniff.  I have missed these little buggers while they are at school.  We celebrated our last night before the first day with a special dinner.  Here was our table...

Don't mind the random play teapot at the end of the table.  My son of course had to set up a spot for his "monkey".

How can it be...I have a Kindergartener and

a 5th grader???  Time just goes entirely too fast for me.

Of course we read this book.  It's a favorite of mine more than the kids I think.  I sent them both to school with a felt heart in their pocket to touch if they needed it.  My daughter started middle school so even thought she thought it was silly, she came home saying it was helpful.  

And just like that...summer was over and school started.  I wasn't ready.

They both walked away and started a new chapter of their lives and now spend more of their day away from me than with me.  Sniff Sniff!

Poshed Up

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