
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

More end of year gift ideas...

I shared a few ideas with you yesterday for end of the year gifts for your childrens' teachers and I have SO many more!   You can view yesterday's ideas by clicking HERE.

When I think of the end of the school year all I think about is summer.   The beach, the sand, the sun, lazy days....maybe it's because we live less than a mile from the beach. I think no matter where you live, end of school conjures up images of the sun and maybe a pool.

So...why not reward your teachers with some fun pool/beach items?
How about one of these fun ideas??

Sunblock, a beach towel and a magazine...simple and so cute.

Or this one...super cute one!

And this one went all out.   A little pricey if you're gifting multiple teachers, but fun just the same!


Another thing many think of when they think of summertime is gardening.  Myself, no.  I despise gardening and am very bad at it.  I wish I enjoyed it more.  But, regardless of my own feelings, I think these gifts are great for any teacher.

Or maybe just some flowers that can be transplanted to his/her own garden.

If you click on the link below this beautiful picture, you can get the free printable tag.

And this is so fun!  The little "Thank You" on top is a Target gift card!  

A few years back we made our Kindergarten teacher an end of the year survival kit to help her survive the last few days of the year.  (And, I actually took a picture!!  Not a great picture, but a picture just the same!)

Inside the mugs were all of the "survival" items needed and this poem.

Teacher Stress Survival Kit

As another year end draws near, I wanted to take the time to thank you for all you have done to brighten my daughter’s days, comfort her fears, and expand her mind.   I know the days can be tough at times and hopefully this little kit will help you survive the remaining days!

MAGIC WAND – To help you with all of the magic you perform each day.
LIFESAVER – To remind you that you are a lifesaver to your class every day.
PAPERCLIP– To help you keep everything together when they start to fall apart.
SNICKERS – For when things get a little nutty and you need a good “snicker”.
CRAYONS – To color each day bright and cheerful.
MARBLES – To replace the ones you’ve lost this year (I’ve enclosed extra in case you need them).
EXTRA GUM – To thank you for always going the “extra” mile.
RUBBER BAND – To help you to remain flexible when things don’t go as planned.
SMARTIES – For all the knowledge you have given the class.
100 GRAND BAR – To represent what I think you’re worth to your students.
TISSUES – For all of the tears you have dried.
BATH SALTS – To provide you with some much needed relaxation.
PUZZLE PIECE – Without you, the class wouldn’t be complete.
CANDLE – To remind you that you continuously brighten my child’s day.
SEEDS – To represent the knowledge you have planted in my child’s mind.
TEA BAG AND MUGS – To remind you of how “TEA-rrific” you truly are.

Thank you!

You can click HERE to get a copy of this poem as well as the one on the gift tag.

Over the years of gifting for Christmas, Teacher Appreciation and the end of the school year we have given many bookmarks.  My children love to customize them with scrapbook paper and stickers and then we laminate them, add a pretty ribbon and a gift card to the bookstore.  Such a easy and sweet gift that your children can help with. (of course I have no pictures because I was terrible in the past about capturing these things).

Here are a few cute ones I found that I loved...

These are so simple, but I just love something about them.

The last idea and one that any teacher would love is a gift card.  Why not present them with a gift card in something pretty?  This idea is so creative.  I definitely want to try something similar next Christmas.

I love this one too.  I'm semi partial to this because I made a few bags in the fun cherry blossom print too.

Regardless of how fancy the gift, it's always the thought that counts. 

I have some fun ideas for classmate gifts to share tomorrow!

Poshed Up

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