
Monday, March 26, 2012

Spring has SPRUNG!

Spring has finally arrived and I could not be happier about the warmer weather we've been experiencing.  I've been able to have my windows open and kids exhausting themselves with outdoor activities.....I love it!   I'm not sure if it's going to stick around, but either's a great change.

With Spring's approach, you can hear many people talking about the need for "spring cleaning".   As you know, I don't like the word "cleaning"  because to me it equates to boring work.  I instead like to call it "organizing" because that makes me smile :)

Anyway, I started our series on Operation Organization in January and you click HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE to see the first few entries into the series.  As I mentioned, with all of the fun holidays interspersed since January (Valentine's Day, St. Patty's Day, etc.)  it's been hard for me to stay on track.  But....I've still been busy each week picking an area to organize.

Just this week I tackled my hall closet that holds our coats and winter wear.  I took everything out, had a donate basket for those items that no longer fit, a basket for those coats that need to be washed before storing and the rest went back in.  It looks great and it feels great to have it all put away until we need it again.  Hopefully not too soon!

It's almost time to start talking about fun ideas for Easter, so.....I wanted to squeeze in one more entry into 
O r G a N i Z a T i O n I'm going to focus on Spring "Organizing" the Junk Drawer.  We all have one or maybe two drawers or baskets or something that we just put stuff...right?  Please tell me you all have at least one????  This area is the bane of my existence at my house.  Our junk drawers, yes drawerS, get out of hand very quickly.   Back in January, I tackled both of them and I'm happy to say that we've kept them this way since!!!  Hallelujah!

The main junk drawer is in our kitchen so I was looking at it every single day and hated looking at the mess and clutter. Here is the before:

A total mess and full of all the things that had no real home as well as some that belonged here.  It was that drawer that we all just threw stuff in, but never took anything out of it!

So...everything came out (rule #1 of de-cluttering/organizing), everything got sorted (garbage, keep, move to another location) and then I re-organized it.  I had these great bins from Target that were already being used and I put them back.  This is what they look like if you're in need of some reasonably priced drawer organizers...

They come in all different shapes and sizes and can be used in just about any configuration to fit your personal needs.  I am lucky to have wide and deep drawers in my kitchen so I was able to use quite a few.   So here's my blank slate.

And here is the after...
Everything has a place and there's still tons of space empty so I won't here, "I just stuck it anywhere because there was no room.".   
We now even have a little space for the miscellaneous screws, nails, etc.  Not sure how we accumulate so many of these, but I was constantly finding them in random spaces and in small Ziploc bags.

I also converted a drawer I previously used for my extra silverware to an everyday/schoolwork drawer.  It has been sooooo helpful.   I got the inspiration from one of my favorite websites 'Sunny Side Up'.  
Check it out HERE.

I don't know why I didn't think of doing this sooner, but it's been great.  This is where I store my Erin Condren planner (which I adore if I haven't mentioned yet), our family binder which I walked you through HERE, and all of of our school work in progress, supplies to do homework, etc.  This drawer gets lot of action!

Here is our new drawer...
On the left is our family binder and my planner.  I take my planner with me everywhere and keep it out all day long because I'm truly lost without it.  At night, I keep it in here to try to reduce the counter clutter.  Have I mentioned how much I hate counter clutter??

Behind the binder and planner are our school directories with phone #'s, etc. that we use often.

In the middle section I have a bin with bills and mail that come in day to day and they stay here until I have time to sort through them and file them.  I have been working really hard to live by the "never touch it twice" theory.  In other words, you put it here until you're ready to open it and immediately file it or put it where it belongs.   The idea is that you avoid opening the mail, putting it in a pile on the counter, leaving it there until you're ready to move it to its ultimate destination.    It's working so far!

On the right side is our homework corner.  I have extra paper here, blank note cards for school notes, folders with worksheets that my little guy is working on and any other homework aids we may be using.  I also have extra pens and pencils here for easy access when I'm writing a note or adding something to my planner or binder.    
This drawer makes me happy....sad, but true!

And as you can see, I have not gone through the bills and coupons from this week   

The last thing I just recently added to the cabinets directly above this new drawer is these beauties from Martha Stewart's new line at Staples.  I always have a few papers that just don't have a home because I'm either using them during the week, they are something I refer to often or I just don't know where to put them.  So....these are working out great so far!

These pockets come in clear or blue and they stick to the cabinet and are easily removable if you choose to move them or get rid of them.  I invested in one small one...perfect for small notes, papers, business cards, etc.
And one larger one that holds an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper perfectly.
The are both fairly deep so you can fit a bunch of stuff in them.  She also has tiered folders like these...
And if you open the cabinets, you can barely even see these inside if you worry about what the inside of your cabinets looks like.

Here are a few other great ideas for your own junk drawer or paper storage in your kitchen that I thought you might enjoy.  One common theme you'll see throughout the drawers is the use of containers.  When you are dealing with a large drawer with small items, compartmentalizing things in containers really helps.  Some of these are even labeled. I think if I took it that far my husband would think I've officially gone off the deep end.

This one is so clean and it!   If you click on the link below the picture you can even get the free printable labels.

The use of a cupcake tray in this one is genius...great for small items!

If you are tight on drawer space or don't want to use one to store your things....these are some great alternatives.

In this box, she stores a hanging file for each family member and their "stuff" as well as her family binder.

Similarly, she created a bin on the wall with a file folder for each family member and a large board for the smaller items and calendars.   

I hope this provides you with some easy ideas to spruce up your own "junk" drawer or area in your own home and make it your "junk-free" area or drawer!

Poshed Up


  1. Great ideas and organization tips... totally motivating!!!!

  2. Thank you so much....I'm glad you found it helpful!
