
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

10 Days of Valentine's Day - Day 3

I hope you enjoyed the ideas for Valentine's with lollipops that I shared yesterday.  Today I'm going to round out the Valentine's card ideas with candy or other snacks with some great ideas from some very creative women.

So onto Day 3 of :

10 Days
Of Valentines Day

Here are some of my favs that I've found recently.   So creative.  We are very busy working on our own this week and should have them done to share by the end of the week.   My daughter finished her store-bought ones last night...blah!  No offense to those of you who use them...I just like the crafting time together making them and she doesn't need any help with hers. Boo hoo!

These two are similar to some that I shared yesterday with a picture of your little Valentine, but with a slightly different take.

I know many parents look forward to giving sweets on Valentine's Day like we used to do when we were little.   Our school district does not allow candy to be handed out and to be honest, I'm okay with it.  This is one of those holidays like Halloween that I just dread for my son's sake.  He has so many allergies that it really becomes difficult. solution that will only work for a short time I'm sure....I invest in the Target toys in the dollar section that are themed for the holiday or something else from that section and when needed, I give one.

Just last night one of  his sweet teachers gave him a "special" Valentine's lollipop that he came over to show me with a huge smile.  Unfortunately I had to say no because she didn't have the packaging to check it and it truly broke my heart.  He settled for a $1 Star Wars puzzle when we got home, but it really is hard sometimes.

So...if you miss the days of candy Valentine's if you have a candy-free school too...I understand.  But, I remain, silently grateful for it!    Enough of my PSA...on to some candy

This is sure to be a pleaser...what child doesn't love Starbursts?  And the cute saying to go with it is just so darn sweet (again no pun intended)!

Or these with Now n' Laters...

How about Swedish fish....I think these are swimmingly good (ha ha)

And gum...I'm sure all of the parents will love you if you give these.  But your child sure will be Mr. or Miss Popular with these giant gumballs!

And if we were to give candy, this would definitely be top on my list.  Our little man is affectionately named "Monkey" and adores all things monkey. Not sure if you can buy just banana though...guess someone will be eating all of the other Runts from the bunch (again, no pun intended...seems I'm on a roll today!)

And here are two more with creative.

And these just take the cake as the cutest ever...

A few more I wanted to share that are food related and very creative.  
I saw these heart-shaped marshmallows at our grocery store this morning!

Or this take on the o"fish"ally theme...minus the candy.

This one is fun as well with gummi bears and Teddy Grahams. I think I would change the phrase to say
"I'd be "beary" happy if you'd be my Valentine!"

And lastly, I leave you with some Valentine's Day-ish fun....

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