
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

10 Days of Valentine's Day - Day 10

It's finally here...the BIG DAY!

Valentines Day

We had a very early morning this morning because my daughter had to be at school early, but we did still start the day with some festivities.    I stayed up last night decorating their doors with some loving messages from my husband and I...

They both loved reading them when they got up.  I gave my husband vague instructions I think because my messages were things like "You are smart!" or "You are a great big sister" and his "You run as fast as a gazelle" or "You give hugs like a furry monkey".  Oh well...the kids thought his were hilarious!

I also decorated the kitchen table with some goodies so they could have a festive breakfast before rushing out the door...

In their little mailboxes, I put this printable...

Their little boxes are filled with candy that they love.  We served heart chocolate chip pancakes!

We exchanged a few early for my daughter from my sweet.  Flowers for me...sweet again.  And this is my favorite.  A homemade cookbook from my son to my husband.  He drew it all and we added blank paper for my husband to write any recipes he might come up with.  A true heartfelt gift.  It's hard to read, but he worked so darn hard on it.

Love that little stinker's thoughtfulness!

And off they went with their Valentine's in hand.  Oh...their Valentines.  Well my daughter did the store bought (which did come out cute) and this for her teacher...
Highlighters and dry erase markers...what every teacher   Since we can't give candy, we went for practical this year.

And my son is all packed up and ready to head to school with his teacher's gifts...

Simple idea I shared earlier this week.

And here are his classmate's Valentines...

For the boys...

Printable compliments of 'ThirtyHandmadeDays'

And for the girls...little animal puzzle erasers with these sayings...

Unicorn -  "I hope your Valentine's Day is "MAGICAL""
Bear - "You're a "BEARY" special Valentine"
Piggy - "This little "PIGGY" wants to be your Valentine"
Hamster - "I'm "WILD" about you Valentine"
Bunny - "You are some"BUNNY" special Valentine"

the backs of the labels...

We put them in bigger bags for both boys and girls with some lollies (he can give candy), Valentine's pencils and erasers.  And they are packed and ready to go!

We just finished our cupcakes for the school snack and we are soon on our way to school.

With our Valentine's tshirt!

I know this post is already LONG... but I wanted to share a few ideas for after school Valentine's themed snacks and some dessert/drink ideas to celebrate with your own Valentine later.

Some after school goodies
These are super easy and so yummy.  We do them for every holiday.

And for dinner...

Heart pizza anyone?

Some heart potatoes...

And last, but certainly not least.  For after the kids are in bed.

Some drinks...

And dessert...

Regardless if you are with loved ones or spending a quiet night alone, I hope you feel loved today and always.

Poshed Up

1 comment:

  1. OMG! Sounds like quite the celebration in your house! And, I couldn't feel more inadequate right now (LOL!).
