
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Our family Christmas....

I feel like I blinked and it was all very sad.  It all went entirely too fast and I now officially have my yearly post-Christmas blues.   I don't know what to do with myself.  I don't want to clean, I don't want to put anything away...I just want it all back!  All the merriment and hoo!

Anyway, here is how we spent our Christmas...

We started our celebrations at both children's schools.   Isabella had a concert and play where she got to be one of Santa's elves.  My pictures are not so great, but it was super cute.   Ryan's school had a visit from Santa himself and he gave each child a small thoughtful of him.

Here is Ryan trying to listen for Santa's bells...

If you've seen the movie 'Elf' and know the part where Buddy the elf hears that Santa is coming to visit the department store that he's working in....well, that's pretty much how Ryan reacted when Santa walked.

And he got to sit on Santa's lap...he was so darn excited.

I love this sweet little guy!

Don't mind the wrinkles...too many late nights up wrapping gifts since Ryan was done with school on the Tuesday prior to was hard to get it all done!

Let me start with our Christmas card for 2011 that I thought I got such a great deal on.  If you remember, I shared all of the great deals for the early birds some weeks back.  While I did take advantage and get my discounts...I ordered the wrong amount by accident since I kept changing my order in my shopping cart and ordered half of what I needed.  So... I left so many important people out this year and I do apologize (that is if you are still reading my blog and don't hold any grudges).

Our Christmas Eve was spent at home with my in-laws and my mom and stepfather from Florida.  It was at our house and we have the traditional dinner of fish...not my tradition, but one my husband's family continues. I happen to LOVE my mother in law's linguine and clams, as does my daughter, so we were both very happy to say the least.  My little guy had an entire roasted chicken to himself because of his allergies so he was very happy as well.
He kept telling us that we wanted the stick from the "turkey"...we didn't spoil it by admitting it was a chicken.  He eats chicken often, but turkey to him is reserved for holidays...better not to try to understand that one.  Anyways, what he meant by "the stick" was that he wanted to eat the leg right from the bone!

As I mentioned, I recently became gluten-free (long story) and so of course my pasta was store-bought gluten free and my mom and I made 2 gluten-free desserts that were really good.   The first was a take on the traditional seven layer bars without the 1st layer.  I guess that would make them a 6 layer bar and they were sooooo good.  So good that I had to finally throw the last few out so I'd stop considering them a breakfast food...yikes!

Here's the recipe....Gluten Free Layer Bars

They call them "Amazing Layer Bars" and they were just that...AMAZING!  Even the non-gluten free's in my life enjoyed these.

My daughter and I had also made these little goodies which added some festivity to our cookie plate on Christmas Eve.

Here's the recipe...Kiss Pretzel Treats.

All in all, it was such a fun night and the kids had so much fun opening their gifts.
Pure joy...and over a gift card!  This boy loves to shop.  I trained him early and well ;)

She was pretty ecstatic over something she forget she wanted.   Pretty funny!

And this little stinker got his spy kit that he so desperately wanted so that he can spy on his big sister.
Spy glasses of course!

My mother in law and I bought my husband and Ipad this year as well and we had him open it on Christmas Eve.  He was ecstatic to say the least and every day since shares some great tidbit he's discovered about it.   I just nod and listen since I have no idea what he's talking about.  

We of course had to leave out our reindeer food and this year, mint peppermint bark for Santa.  He seemed to LOVE it as much as we do!

That night my husband and I were up LATE getting all of the presents ready and setting up our big gift to the kids...XBOX Kinect.   I had to of course try it out too.   I wouldn't want them to be disappointed if it didn't work properly.   Let's just say....I think I'm enjoying it more than anyone else.  And...sadly, I'm sore from all of the games we've been playing.   My daughter and I are loving ...

And I have discovered that I'm a bit competitive.  Ok...I've always been competitive, but definitely didn't expect to be so competitive with my own offspring.  Oh well....some one's gotta win :)

We also got these few games...

But our favorite so far (and by our I mean my 5 year old and I) is definitely...

We have been on it around the clock.  The first thing he has said every single morning since Christmas is...."good morning, can we play XBOX?"  I'm so happy that he loves it. is what every single afternoon looks like as a result...

Pathetic right?  Still in our pj's at 4pm and fast asleep.   One day I totally lost track of time and realized it was almost dinner and we were still playing Xbox

Moving on...

Christmas day we enjoyed having my brother, sister in law, niece, nephew and mother and stepfather for breakfast and of course a bit of xbox'ing.   My brother seems to have that competitive nature too...he did boxing with my daughter.  Thank god it's all virtual!!  And here's my nephew and daughter boxing...

 Apparently we all have the "bug" and competitive thing going on.

We had fun watching the kids open their gifts and we decided this year to let everyone stay in pj's to make it more cozy.  It was great except for the fact that it gave me an excuse to stay in them all day long.
Isabella and her new baby "Emily" from Santa.  She met this doll at FAO Schwartz in NYC on our last visit and she feels just like a newborn and is weighted to feel that way.   She fell in love when the salesperson insisted she hold her.  SOLD!

And Ryan just a little excited about his new Power Rangers sword.   Crazy kid!

We had a low key and delicious pot roast dinner on Christmas night and enjoyed playing with all of our new toys.   Last night we had my dad, step mom, little sister, brother and his family coming over to finish celebrating.  We had Taco Night...a favorite around here.   One of our favs is sweet potato quesadillas...if you've never tried have to.

My recipe comes from The Moosewood Restaurant Cookbook.   They are amazing.  I won't be having them in traditional wheat tortillas, but I'm hoping the gluten free are equally as yummy!

Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures from our 2nd Christmas celebration, but it was so nice and totally low key.   Just the way it should be with family.

We truly enjoyed our Christmas and all of the time together.  My little family stayed home and celebrated New Year's Eve together as well and we laughed so much at the funny things the kids do and say.  We filled in a questionnaire about ourselves and our past year from 'Teach Mama'.  You can do it at any point really, but I can't wait to look back at it next New Year's Eve and read it to the kids.  Their answers were priceless.

I leave you with a quote to live by in 2012 and beyond......and a wish for a very happy and healthy New Year!   Stayed tuned in January for my series on getting organzied.  I'm very excited!

Poshed Up


  1. I really enjoyed this entry! Sounds like you had a blast and the pictures are fantastic. I can't believe Isabella is into the baby doll thing - so lucky! :). Ryan is such a cute ham, I love it!

  2. Thanks Tara....we really did have a great holiday. Isabella still loves the baby dolls and she's such a great "Mommy". Both of my kids are great with little ones and ask for a baby sibling ALL the time. This solves the
