
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas decorating.....

We are finally done with our decorations.  What a big job it all is!   I have sooo many decorations that I have collected over the years so I put up my 1st round of garland and decorations that are more general festive things and then switch it to very Christmas themed about halfway through the month.  I'm nuts...I know!

Here are a few pictures of what we did for our 1st round....

Our mantle...

I use a lot of the same basic pieces this time of year because I love the deep browns of my urns and candlesticks.  I used all sparkly fruit, candles, pine cones and garland on my mantle.  We have a very narrow mantle so I'm a bit limited in what I can put up there.

When I switch it to put our stockings's all bright reds and greens...very festive.  
For now, it's just sparkly!

Our entryway...  we have a large hutch in our entryway that I decorate for the holidays and here sits our 2 favorite Santas.  Our elf, Jaden, often sits here too!

We even have a little sled here too.  It looks so pretty at night when all of the candles are lit and the lights are dimmed.  
I have a major candle fetish and adore dim lights and candlelight.

Above my kitchen sink....
Since I spend a great deal of time near the sink, I need it to look pretty.   I found this sweet little birdhouse and had to have it.  I love it!   It will go outside soon for the birds to call home, but for now, it sits on my windowsill.

Next to it, I have some greens and again...pine cones.   

 I also have a small light and candle because I like to do the dishes at night when everyone goes to sleep and it's peaceful.  This little light and spruce smelling candles somehow makes the job a bit easier!

and on our kitchen island...

and beautiful roses from my husband for our anniversary...they just happen to match perfectly!  
Love when that happens.

And our tree.   Our tree is the only thing we don't change because it's just way too much work.  We really had fun decorating it this year!  My kids are both old enough now to help and enjoy doing it with me.

And my custom-made tree skirt.   Check out the shop to see all about them!

We are working on...of course...our homemade decorations for when we switch in a few weeks.  Here's two of my favorites that we're working on...

Paper snowflakes for our these I found on 'Bugs & Fishes'.  I love them and the way the light catches them.  This is one of those things that even my children can make!  I can't wait to finish and hang ours.

And this sweet, no pun intended, fun!   

I also wanted to share some other great ideas for decorations.   I am into simple vignettes throughout the house and I especially love when I can use regular everyday greens and things to make it.  I believe that sometimes....less is more.

 I loved these ideas for simple candle displays...

This one is so simple, but so pretty.  If I thought my kids would leave the candy alone...I would put this out on my ottoman!

I love these two from Camilla at Home....both so simple and using everyday greens that many of you can probably find in your own (or steal from your neighbor's) backyard!

And this one is so great...I love the different size candles mixed with pine cones and different items.  So great!

In case you can't tell from the pictures of my own home...I adore pine cones.  They are such an easy and elegant way to decorate for both fall and this time of year.  My mom gave me some incredible pine cones that are enormous that I love to bring out this time of year.   Look at these...

I'm not sure if you can truly appreciate the scale of these from these pictures, but the largest is 12 inches long. They are INCREDIBLE!   

I love all pine cones though and if you live near me, you might spot me picking them up along the road.  Yes...I'm that girl!

And judging from how many great ideas I found on how to use them...I'm not alone in my love of all things pine cones.

Here's some fun ideas to use them in simple ways.

I love these mini trees that they created in various cups, candlesticks and bowls.  We are definitely doing these for our Christmas eve and morning table.  
I think the kids would have so much fun glittering the stars for the top.

And these are pretty darn cute as well... especially on the mantle.

How about these adorable and colorful pine cones with mini pom poms.  So cute!  
These could be cute as ornaments too with a bright ribbon!

I love this idea of spray painting one (and this one rivals my big pine cones) and using 
it in a simple decorative way.

Or how about hanging in a simple, yet so beautiful!

And I CANNOT wait to make these....felt pine cones.  Two of my favorite things...
felt and pine cones!  How cute!!!

Here are a few of the staircases I loved.  We don't have a staircase to decorate, but if we did, this I would do BIG!   I love a decorative staircase at Christmastime.   

And this is such a fun way to display your family's stocking, especially if you don't have a mantle.

And again, I love the use of what you can find outside.  The smell alone is so wonderful.   I'm holding off a little longer to bring it anything live because it's been so unseasonably warm where I live and I want it all to last.
I already spotted a gorgeous holly tree at my bank.  Hopefully I won't get arrested because they think I'm robbing the bank...instead I'll be snipping

Lastly, here are a few really creative ideas that I just adore.  

And a quote I try to live by...and I choose to do my singing these days in the privacy of my own car.

Poshed Up

1 comment:

  1. I love the paper snowflakes in the window! We did something similar last year with one snowflake in each pane of the french doors, but I love the idea of hanging it like a mobile from a window!
