
Thursday, August 18, 2011

All good things must come to an end...

Our summer is almost over...sniff, sniff!  This year I am truly sad for it to end.  I think I finally can say I understand the phrase 'the lazy days of summer'.  We have slept late, stayed in PJ's until 10am, stayed at the beach all day playing and swimming and enjoyed BBQ'ing to our heart's content.   

Unfortunately in 3 short weeks, school will restart here in the Northeast. I know it has already started in many parts of the country, but for us, we have just begun the craze.    What craze you ask?  Well if you have a school aged child, you know what I'm talking about.

finding out your teacher and classmates

last minute sleepovers and playdates

back to school supply shopping...
hunting for those great deals to save $.25 on glue

back to school clothing shopping...
not sure why we do this since it's still warm when school starts

back to school shoe shopping...
not sure about that one either...since we wear flip flops all summer and therefore haven't worn out any shoes from last year

finishing up summer reading and math packet review sheets

and the MOST difficult one for all of us....

slowly moving back bedtimes from 10pm (yikes) to a more realistic hour!

and that's just a snapshot....AND SO IT BEGINS.


To keep these last few weeks light and still fun, we are going to be working on a few fun back to school crafts.   I also have some fun snack ideas, supply ideas and surprises to share as well! 

In the is this week's craft...  A back to school countdown!!

My little one is starting a new school this year with some apprehension.  So we made these fun countdowns so that he can help us count down the days until we meet his new friends.  It's a great visual for him and gets him excited to get to the top of his bus...even though there will be no busing to school for him.  Not sure he knows that part due time!

One link of the paper chain is cut each morning until we reach the top on our 1st day of school.  

They aren't next to one another because one starts school 6 days before the other!

Pre-K here we come!

And a big 4th Grader...yikes!

Here are a few other fun countdown ideas that you might like too....

This fun idea is compliments of It Is What It Is.  It is great for the week leading up to the 1st day of school.  Each day her kids opened a bag filled with treats or, as she suggested, you could fill it with school supplies.  Very fun!

Or this great idea from The Happy Home Fairy for the kids to enjoy filling in.   

And the best's a FREE PRINTABLE.

If you have a great back to school tradition or craft to count down the days, please do share.  I'd love to pass it on!


1 comment:

  1. I really love your countdown calendars. The bus is my favorite.
